ספרים שיצאו בעקבות פעילויות של מרכז לבציון | המרכז לחקר האסלאם ע"ש נחמיה לבציון

ספרים שיצאו בעקבות פעילויות של מרכז לבציון

Martyrdom and Sacrifice in Islam:Theological, Political and Social Contexts

Proceedings of an international conference titled "Sacrifice and Death in Modern Islam: History, Ethos and Politics", convened on 11-13 June 2012, organized collaboratively with the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, the Israel Science Foundation, the Alliance Center for Iranian Studies at Tel Aviv University and the Nehemia Levtzion Center for Islamic Studies.

קובץ מבוסס על יום עיון תחת הכותרת "יהודים וערבים במזרח התיכון: היסטוריה חברתית ותרבותית", שנערך ע"י מרכז לבציון, מכון בן-צבי ומרכז צ'ריק ב-20/11/14.
الأدب الفلسطيني في إسرائيل ومسألة الحداثة
2014. الأدب الفلسطيني في إسرائيل ومسألة الحداثة. المعهد الأكاديمي العربي للتربية.


هذا الكتاب يضم في طياته سبعة مقالات، تتناول مسألة الحداثة في الأدب الفلسطيني في إسرائيل، بعضها ثمرة مؤتمر عقد في المعهد الأكاديمي العربي للتربية (مركز أبحاث اللغة، الثقافة والمجتمع العربي)، بالإشتراك مع قسم اللغة العربية في الجامعة العبرية، ومركز نحميا ليفتسيون للأبحاث الإسلامية، والبعض الآخر بمثابة دراسات علمية حول هذا الموضوع، قد أضفناها إلى الكتاب: نشير بأن هذه الدراسات قد توزعت في محاور لأجناس أدبية مختلفة في الأدب العربي الحديث.

Religious Knowledge, Authority and Charisma:Islamic and Jewish Perspectives

Proceedings of an international workshop titled "Religious Knowledge, Authority, and Charisma in Islam", convened on 15-17 December 2009, and organized by Meir Hatina (The Hebrew University) and Daphna Ephrat (The Open University).

The Nehemia Levtzion Center of Islamic Studies also supported this workshop.

The Legendary Biographies of Tamerlane
Ron Sela. 2011. The Legendary Biographies Of Tamerlane. Cambridge University Press.

"An international workshop on Islam in Central Asia that I had organized in 2005 under the auspices of the Nehemia Levtzion Center for Islamic Studies at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, then under Reuven Amitai’s able directorship, made several scholarly encounters possible and enriched my thinking about certain aspects of this book."


Guardians of Faith in Modern Times:ʿUlamaʾ in the Middle East

"This book developed from an international workshop titled 'Facing Modernity: Rethinking ʿUlamaʾ in the Middle East', conducted at the Hebrew University on 26-27 June 2006. The workshop was organized by the Nehemia Levtzion Center for Islamic Studies at the Hebrew University which, since its establishment in 2005, has gained growing recognition in both the Israeli and international academic communities."

Islam in Europe:Case Studies, Comparisons & Overviews
2007. Islam In Europe:case Studies, Comparisons &Amp; Overviews. European Forum at the Hebrew University, Helmut Kohl Institute for European Studies.

On 10-11 December 2006, the European Forum in cooperation with the Nehemia Levtzion Center for Islamic Studies at the Hebrew University, and with the support of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, held an international conference on “Islam in Europe: Eurabia or European Islam”. This publication is the outcome of that conference.